Laundrify | Laundry, Dry Cleaning Pick Up & Delivery in Miami

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We’re pulling back to push forward.

As demand for Laundrify has increased over the past year, we’ve outgrown the place we’ve called home. The good news is that we’ve found a new home ... a big one, that will allow us to keep everyone so fresh and so clean. The not so good news is that it’s going to take us some time to get it set up and move in.

That means we’re pausing our service while we make the move. And that really sucks. But, we’ll be back before you know it, and we promise we’re coming with some really great things.

So from all of us at Laundrify, THANK YOU for sticking with us and for being part of our fam.

Stay tuned… Laundrify 2.0 💪coming soon!